Friday, June 12, 2009

The Problem with Neo-Con Feminists (Like Me)

I am not your typical conservative woman. I also consider myself a feminist. First, let me make it clear that I have every intention of remaining in my traditional marriage - you know the kind - one man, one woman. I am, for all intention, a traditional wife and mother; I do the cleaning (well, that's a stretch!!), the laundry, the cooking, care for the kids' needs, etc. I don't have a problem with women's pro football, but then, predictably, sadly, somebody had to come up with the sexist idea to have women playing football in lingerie. When will we girls get to see jock-strap football, and do we even want to?
There was a time, however, when I was out there in the working world, competing for jobs and promotions against men who had equal qualifications. I recall being passed over for a promotion at a software publisher due to my competitor having "a family to support", while I was single, carefree, and had no real obligations to anyone but myself. Is it really fair, even as it was twenty years ago, for a woman to be deemed less needful of a promotion and the salary that goes along with it simply because, as my boss put it, "You have guys buy you stuff all the time. You don't need the extra money!"?

Now, there are some jobs that simply must remain gender-specific; OB nurses, for instance. Sorry fellas, but when a woman is in labor THE LAST thing she wants is a set of male hands upon her body! The other would be jihadist. This should be reserved for lunatic men who have no idea of what their future will be, only that it will be limited.

I have always found it distasteful that some women of today's generation have again resorted to sexuality to earn their living, some of thing performing vulgar acts on camera in order to gain some short-lived recognition. This hurts the cause of feminism across the globe, and it allows the use of terms like slut, ho, bimbo, bitch, and others to be used in common language all over the entertainment industry. I've been in offices where I was greeted by a young woman with her breasts popping out of her too-tight shirt. I've been disappointed by the level of customer services I received by those young women, many of them either appearing stupid or actually being guilty of extreme levels of stupidity. Meanwhile, the boss is usually some middle-aged has-been who gets a kick out of watching her walk around. Sad. Try being a 50-year-old woman with career experience, dignity, and self-respect trying to compete for that same job. The 50-year-old has no chance. I am that 50-year-old. My life experience and my career expertise mean nothing in the face of eye-popping boobies and the brainless adoration that a 20-year-old sexpot can offer.

This week David Letterman had a moment in his career when he could have taken the high road, when he could have made the decision to not make a joke about the rape of a woman (of any age), and not referred to a hairstyle as "slutty". He made the wrong choice and a firestorm has erupted.

In this week we've seen Sarah Palin's daughter offered up for rape to A-Rod, with Sarah Palin being once again belittled by the mainstream media. Was Letterman out of line? Yes, but where were the feminist groups on the issue? Were they the first defenders of feminine rights? No. Oddly enough they have remained silent, and this is bothersome to feminists such as myself who wish to elevate women to a place of equality among men. When feminists allow men to belittle women in such vitriolic fashion they demean and belittle the work of ALL women. The feminist groups who made the decision to remain silent while conservative women are attacked are as guilty as those who spew the vile language and post screed on the net. Think of how long it took for anyone from the left to oppose Playboy's posting of the "Ten Conservative Women I'd like to Hate F**k". What does it mean to Hate F**k someone? Isn't that considered abuse? Isn't it considered rape?

Secondly, Ms. California, Carrie Prejean was ousted from her position. Ms. Prejean has been vocal in her support of her right as an American citizen to not only have her own opinions, but to express them in an open forum. Ms. Prejean never criticized Perez Hilton for his views on gay marriage, never made a negative comment about his lifestyle choice. However, the gay activist lobby, along with the Hollywood/NYC Soho types have prevailed in ousting an outspoken Christian from a job - again - and the mainstream media went along on the hunt.

Women everywhere need to understand that it is THEIR position which is under attack by the liberal press and the so-called party of tolerance. The Left allows women to believe that they are empowered, however, the opposite is true. The Left only uses the anger and bitterness of women who have yet to find THEIR POWER to augment their propaganda against Conservatives. If the truth be told, the Conservative Party is the party of feminists in that women are encouraged to be what they can be WITHOUT focusing on sexuality.

You may disagree with me, but I don't care. This is my blog, and if you don't like it....go pack sand.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Remembering Their Lives and Losses

As the sun sets on this year's remembrance of D-Day, the battle of Normandy, I am reminded yet again of how very grateful I am to the lives that were given both on an off the field of battle.

This week I watched the unveiling of a bronze statue of Ronald Reagan, and my heart began to ache. Ronald Reagan was vilified by our press, the same press who is reluctant to post a negative (or true) story about our current President, but who quickly began to deliberate with reckless abandon the historical significance of the Presidency of Ronald Reagan.

Today I could not bring myself to watch as Barack Hussein Obama stood on hallowed ground in Normandy. The egomaniac President was, is, and ever shall be (at least in my mind) a disgrace to all that the men and women of our military stand for. To see this man, this hypocrite, this liar, stand shoulder to shoulder with the leaders of other nations, portending to represent the beliefs of ALL Americans makes me shudder with revulsion. In simple language, I fight the urge to vomit each and every time I see his image or hear his voice.
Last week a mass murdered was gunned down in church by a man who had a clear case of mental instability. The next day two members of our military were gunned down by an American-born terrorist. We all know which crime received the most attention, and we all know which criminal is the most reviled by the reliably liberal media. The fact is, each of these men engaged in an extreme act based upon their individual perception of ideology. Each man made the deliberate and conscious decision to take the life of another human being. Each man is guilty of cold-blooded murder.

Dr. Tiller was a physician who specialized in and enormously profited from performing ritualistic and premeditated murder. The fact that this type of murder is legal in the United States is disturbing to me - yet it remains legal and will likely become enhanced as the result of the actions of one man.

There was a time when I believed, as many young women believe, that abortion is the ultimate in feminine freedom. I, however, had an instant and almost cataclysmic event occur in my life, however, when I was able to see my unborn child via ultrasound at 8 weeks gestation. I saw, at that moment, the tiny flicker of her heart beating. She had no arms, no legs, no discernible body parts at all - she appeared as a bean or a peanut. Yet, there it was - LIFE! From that moment nearly 20 years ago until now I have been a very strong supporter of the Right to Life movement. In that one split second my entire line of thinking changed, and I was rescued from the morass of liberalism. People speak of life-changing events very casually, almost cynically, but for me, this hit me like a bolt of lightning. I was bearing witness to the creation of life, the passing on of a human being who would perhaps become a world leader, or simply offer the world a son or daughter of her own.

So today I thank the women and men of the past generations who gave their sons and daughters to the American people. Without their sacrifices, I would not exist today.