Some things never change in this world of ours, but this past week I saw a remarkable admission by some members of the press: The press, it seems, does not appreciate being controlled. This admission struck me as particularly odd in this day and age, especially when I think about the fact that I, too, am able to now provide my own editorial opinion at will. The truth of the matter is that the press is uncomfortable in a position of being spoon-fed. They are, moreover, at their most confident and their happiest when it is THEY who determine the scope, content, and direction of public discussion and public policy. Thomas Jefferson had a unique relationship with the press. He placed within their hands a power that they ultimately used to torment him and his presidential policies. It is a wise person who understands that a snake cannot control its determination to bite.
In the book, “Jefferson and the Press”, by Jerry W. Knudsen, Knudsen accurately points out that the press has always been partisan, and more accurately, has always been controlled by those who control its purse strings. To speak very plainly, the members of the media are fully aware of who butters their bread. Through their writing, speaking, and editorial positions they can make or break a political candidate, a business, an individual, an idea.
In the past few days we’ve seen ABC produce an infomercial for the liberal healthcare agenda item of Barack Obama. Without hesitation, this press outlet refused to acknowledge that opinions of dissent exist by refusing to air paid advertising by groups who oppose the highly controversial and expensive Obamacare measures before the Congress now. This Congress, I might add, has made it clear that any legislation regarding healthcare will not be exhibited to “the people” for a full week before voting on it. This occurred with the stimulus package, the TARP program, the auto-union partnership co-op, and most recently, the Waxman-Markey energy legislation. Now it is clear that the Congress and Senate intend to force the American people into personal bankruptcy by thrusting one more spike into our coffins and into the wombs of mothers of yet to be born Americans. The mainstream media has been a coconspirator in this massive extortion against Americans, and surely, they can expect some sort of reward from Obama.
How will Obama reward the press? Why, through a bailout, of course! When this happens (and you know that it will), few outlets will be able to compete against the purse strings that Obama will open and close, unleashing hungry hell hounds under the guise of journalism.