Finish this sentence:
I look forward to going on Medicare because_________________________________.
If you answered "because it's free", stop reading now. None of what I say will appeal to you and you won't appreciate how imperiled our Republic is at this moment in time.
I don't know about you, but I never want to go on Medicare. Yes, I know I've paid into the system. Yes, I know that private insurance may be cost prohibitive. Yes, I know that everyone is expected to go onto Medicare when they reach that certain age.

Now comes Obama, professing to have the answer to all of our healthcare needs, oddly enough, as an expert in, what else, the law. His wife, also a lawyer, worked with The University of Chicago Medical Center, but work is such an ambiguous word. It's been pretty well publicized that she spent little time actually earning her six figure salary during the last two years of her clouded tenure there. After all, isn't this the same location which was the scene to one of the more infamous patient dumping schemes? It was under the sugar-coated "Urban Health Initiative" that Medicare-only funded patients were given free rides to clinics (all outside of the area) to receive their medical care. Patients with better insurance were given the spots within the hospital that their poorer, government dependent brethren were forced out of. In fact, most of those forced our of the hospital were poor blacks and hispanics, sent to clinics whose Medicaid and Medicare patient load was not as high as that of an inner-city hospital. Yet, those clinics were not privey to the influence of the wife of a United States Senator, nor were they on the receiving end of millions of dollars of grant money and donor gratuities. Yes, those clinics who were forced to accept these patients were also forced to keep the dirty business of patient dumping to themselves.
To understand this entire concept one must make sure to comprehend that words have meaning. We all know by now that the word "urban" means poor, and usually refers to a person of color. But, in today's current political climate we all know that a Black First Lady nor her husband would EVER be considered racists, would they? In order for Mrs. Obama to sell this "initiative" she hired none other than her husbands' current advisor, David Axelrod. Together, Axelrod and Obama devised a plan which would move patients from the University hospital if they received government healthcare. There were stories published of the "Tylenol" treatment for severe injuries. Patients were often bused to outlying clinics when they presented to the emergency room with fractures, deep lacerations, or, in some cases, when children presented with high fevers and convulsive symptoms. Many of these symptoms and injuries were of enough severity to have warranted inpatient hospitalization, yet these patients received no more treatment than a would get from a school nurse.
Most of us enjoy a relationship with our doctors and we feel confident in their abilitiy to treat our medical needs. Otherwise, we simply switch doctors. In my case, I like to refer to them as being "fired". If someone gets money from me to do a job, and then I find someone else to do the job, that pretty much means, they're fired, right?
Now, members of our government like to pretend that it is THEY who placed themselves in a position of authority over us. Please allow me to remind all of you that it is THEY who work for YOU. YOU have the authority, as guaranteed by the Constitution, to FIRE these people who believe themselves to be your masters.
Daniel Webster wrote, "The inherent right in the people to reform their government, I do not deny; and they have another right, and that is to resist unconstitutional laws without overturning the government."
Do YOU have the will to resist? Ronald Reagan reminded me years ago, "Man is not free unless government is limited." Is it time for us to resist government expansion? You decide for yourselves, but I made up my mind months ago.