Over the last few weeks the Nation has witnessed a change, of sorts, coming from the quasi-leaders in Washington, D.C. While not admitting to defeat, and certainly not standing before the American people with any confessions of truth, the Democrat-controlled world is beginning to unravel. The People, it seems, may yet have a voice.
Plato said, "Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."
I believe that most Americans are good people. We work when we are able, we take care of our families, we do our civic duty, we obey the law, and we are willing to pay our fair share. Good Americans are seeing their dreams chipped away. Good Americans are learning that the ideals once held as virtuous are now considered dangerous to society. It seems that today a man is not merely responsible for taking care of his OWN family, but rather he must toil in order to care for the families of ALL men. The "village" mentality has seeped into the halls of democracy and has brought with it the loss of individual liberty and family values that had previously built this great Nation.
In the words of John Adams, "All the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arise not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, so much as downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation."
Today our "leaders" as a group appear completely unable to grasp the concept of commerce, money, or profit. The members of the Liberal Elite despite profits and have found a way to bend the ear of those now in power to punish those they deem corrupt enough to manage "a profit". These fools believe that by punishing profit they are benefiting the working man. However, how much of the ill-gotten gains of Government actually find their way into the mouth of the working man?
As a candidate, Barack Obama made 510 promises during his campaign, most of which went unnoticed and will never be realized. Mr. Obama demonstrated then a clear ignorance of the value of work, the importance of capitalism, and an unwavering hatred of the right of a man to work hard, keep what he earns, and spend it as he wishes. In only one year Mr. Obama has created a Nation in which government worker salaries outpaced the salaries of private sector employees. He has created more division among the American people, brought class-warfare to the top of the political discussion. He has created an atmosphere of doubt, fear, and suspicion among Americans.
While the world reels in their economic collapse, Mr. Obama has continued to "sell America" and her future to our enemies. Our Congress has failed to authorize the drilling permits they promised in 2008, and we are yet even farther from so-called energy independence. The civil rights of Americans are suffering more now than they ever did under George Bush. While the liberal media turns a blind-eye toward the extension of The Patriot Act (the same Patriot Act that Obama decried as a candidate), the media remain a compliant, willing partner in the destruction of the American individual.
Our schools have become a breeding ground for the moral vacuum that pervades America today. Our children are no longer learning of greatness through individual work, but rather they are learning that the individual is irrelevant to today's society, that only through groups and associations of like-minded people can any good be accomplished.
My son recently brought home a book from his English class, "Great Speeches by American Women". In it I could not find a single speech from a woman with a conservative background. Every one of the American women in this book was, in my opinion, a man hater. But more importantly, it was their ideal of what America should be that struck me. Our public schools force compulsory thought onto our students every day. They are literally programming failure and hatred of individual strength into the minds of our youth. One of the speeches included passages decrying conservatism and conservative thinkers, and I thought it odd that our public schools could get away with promoting one thought process over another.
But then I came across a quote by William T. Harris, a former educator, who saw the danger that public schools posed to our children and to our nation. "Our schools have been scientifically designed to prevent over-education from happening. The average American should be content with their humble role in life, because they're not tempted to think about any other role."
Can we really blame America for voting for someone as inept as Barack Obama?