Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Egypt, Food Prices, and the Cost of American Blue Jeans

In the last few weeks the world has changed. Egypt experienced a so-called democratic uprising, Tunisians filled the streets and demanded change, and in America we've seen the mainstream media finally begin to take notice of the rising cost of food, textiles, and the changing demographic of America. Yes, some of the results are coming in from the failed 2010 Census and they reveal that America is under assault.

For some time now America has fought hard against welcoming the brightest of the world to its shores. America has worked had to become the last flophouse for the world's most slothful, lazy, and demanding parasites. These recent immigrants to America, legal and otherwise, demand that WE Americas who have worked hard, played by the rules, and pursued our dreams, owe THEM something.

According to the Washington Times, our national debt now at least equals our national economy. In other words, as a nation we're worth more dead than alive.


This is dangerous stuff here, folks. For those of us without the high-brow education of Tim Geithner, for instance, we learned in our high school economics class that once your expenses surpass 40% of your earnings you are in financial peril. We learned (at least I did in 1975) that once you hit the point where your expenses are equal to that of your earnings you have to modify your expenditures. Simply put: WHEN YOU'RE IN A HOLE, QUIT DIGGING.

To go back to an earlier point, our changed demographic landscape in America isn't doing us any favors. According to the U.S. Census Data of the 2010 Census, Hispanics are growing in population at a rate faster than that of blacks or white non-Hispanics.


In many parts of the country these very communities have suffered an increase in crime, a decrease in funds available for emergency services, and overcrowding in schools and correctional facilities. Property owners and those with legitimate incomes, like myself, are being forced to ante up more and more tax dollars to fund city and country programs to keep these recently-arrived immigrants (read, illegals) housed, clothed, protected, fed, medicated, and to keep their children in school.

America is indeed under assault, but this is not a frontal attack. No, this is the type of attack science can only explain. We are the host, and the vast numbers of poorly skilled, uneducated, and penniless illegal immigrants coming to America are the parasites. I have a 17 year old son who cannot find a job in the typical trades for his age group because those jobs are now being held by adult workers. I have seen my local markets and retailers printing product information in Spanish and English, yet I see no such courtesy given to those immigrants from Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Japan, or China.

As of 2010 there were approximately 43.5 million Americans receiving food stamps. Can we still refer to this is the Land of the Free? With this many people receiving food stamps is it even possible for those of us who are NOT taking government aid to keep giving and giving until we are ALL wards of the State? Add to this the assinine regulations that our Congress and President have imposed upon us and I have to question the real motives of these purveyoyrs of classic Cloward & Piven tactics. The first line of the Cloward & Piven strategy reads: "Cloward-Piven is a strategy for forcing political change through orchestrated crisis." After reading their website, http://cloward-piven.com/, I really have to ask myself why this group is revered and the Tea Party is reviled.

Our politicians have traded their integrity for votes, their commitment to the continuation of America is now in question as we hear them speak of income inequality and immigration reform in the same sentence. Yet, when you or I speak of enforcing our laws, protecting our borders, and forcing illegal immigrants to leave our country and come back legally we are referred to as teabagging racists.

I am preparing myself, my home, and my family for what is going to be a long and extended economic depression in America. Most assuredly I will not live long enough to see America dig herself out of the hole that all of the well-intentioned of the world dug for her people. But I can start to lay the foundation for a new America, a bright America, an America that our forefathers would be proud of.