Obama has been the President for a little over 100 days. In that short time, his administration has quadrupled our national debt, something that members of the Democrat party ridiculed George Bush for doing at one quarter of that amount. In this short time he has increased the size of government, mandated "service" of young people to HIS ideology, and made the first of many apologies for what was the dominant force of the United States of America.
In this short time the Obama administration has almost completed a socialistic coup of our banking system and has threatened bona fide investors in our automotive industry (private businesses) with ruin if they try to regain even one dollar of their investment. Coincidentally, many of us are unwittingly invested in these bonds, if we are invested in a 401(k). For anyone who doesn't know, a BOND is a loan made to a government, individual, or corporation which GUARANTEES a return on the investment, in the form of interest, by a specific maturity date. The Obama administration has broken the law, but who will fight them?
In the last week private citizens protesting against the slaughter of innocent unborn children have been arrested on the University of Notre Dame campus - for peacefully demonstrating - against the University's granting of an honorary degree to Barack Obama. Barack Obama, who could not define when life begins during a pre-election interview with Rick Warren, cited this answer as "above his pay grade". Now, however, we're all supposed to accept that Obama is "the Annointed One", the new Messiah, if you will, of the human race. What these brave souls at the University of Notre Dame did was to exhume the ghosts of double standards present in many of our larger universities and colleges today. That double standard is glaring in its simplicity, yet oddly the champions of free speech and tolerance seem to be under a gag order to stifle the opinions of ordinary citizens who feel passionate about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
On April 15th, hundreds of thousands of hard-working individuals took to the streets demanding a reduction in government spending only to be ridiculed by the press for doing so. They were referred to as "rednecks" and "teabaggers" in the most vile and pestilent manner. The so-called leaders of journalism even went so far as to join in on the banter, not even caring to veil their obvious adoration of the new Dear Leader of the Free World. They attempted to marginalize the opinions of the few, the outspoken, the freedom loving members of our society in ways that would make Al Franken proud.
And then, the people of Minnesota, either willingly or with the help of ACORN, elected a foul mouthed, closed minded, Fascist-Communist to the United States Senate. Of course, he will join the majority party of Fascist-Communists already there.
Soon Obama, an advocate of larger, more intrusive government, will appoint a new Supreme Court justice. He aims to find someone younger, one who can stay on the court for decades, who can change the very charter of our Nation.
To "my" fellow Americans I emplore you: get active, be vocal, start writing, calling, and pestering your elected representatives until they hear you, see you, and start representing you! Get onto TWITTER, FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE, everywhere, and start letting people know that WE ARE HERE.
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