This week the buzz is that the Senate democrats have been floating the idea of dropping the age of enrollment for Medicare. Sounds great, doesn't it? To many the idea of being able to get that "free" health care from "the gubment" would appear as manna from heaven. Then there are people like me; the realists.
You see, with the funding of Medicare being cut it is simply not possible to add an additional 10-20 million Americans to this risk pool. Yes, Medicare is a risk pool, and as with any insurance, the risk is spread among the participants. I've wondered if by adding those aged 55-64 to the pool the Obama administration believes that the financial risks will be lessened. Fools.
First, employers will "dump" employees who are between 55-64 in droves from their insurance. They may even begin to fire those employees (please don't use pleasant euphemisms such as Lay Off). The preferred age for employees in this country will be 26-50 and age discrimination will be off and running. Add this to the BMI discrimination underway right now. Face it: If you're fat and old YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You eat too much, you breathe too much, and you take up too much space with no real prospect for adding anything to society. I guess someone needs to inform Michael Moore, Gerald Nadler and Barney Frank that their time is up, too.
My daughter in college has asked aloud, "Why am I doing this when I'll probably never get a job doing what I have worked so hard for?"
I fear for my son who so proudly wishes to serve his country in the Marine Corps. You see, he has the faith that our nation will return to its original glory, to its original founding. I'm more cynical and I suppose I'm just downright bitter.
I've seen the last year as being one of the most destructive EVER on America and her values. Yet I, too, must have faith -- Faith that God will bless our nation and our people. Faith that God is control of everything and that He alone knows our destiny. Perhaps God has decided that America needs to start over. Maybe that reset button is close enough for all of us to press if we'd just reach out together to do it.
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