I've done a lot of thinking about how I expect the population of America to react to the election just a week away. Either way, there are going to be huge numbers of people upset with the results. Either way, there will be tremendous blame going around. And there will be anger. Just how much anger spills over into your neighborhood remains to be seen.
Already there are reports of voting machines not working properly, so there are accusations of voter fraud buzzing the airwaves. Groups like ACORN are still up to their same old tricks, and media outlets who claim to be non-partisan (OpenSecrets.org) are making the mistake of following the orders of their primary donors (George Soros) and are either failing to report the truth (public union money outspending any other sector) in the financing of this election, or using their platform to poison the minds of people who are unable to seek the entire truth. NPR fired a well-known, liberal news analyst (Juan Williams), supposedly over this intolerant remarks about Muslims. But, we know that it is because he made the comment on Fox News that he was fired. He would have been reprimanded had he said the same on NPR, but would still have his job there. Of course, I would hope that Mr. Williams find this a transformative moment in his life, causing him to leave "the dark side" and come over to the side of the "Light of Liberty".
I'm a naturally paranoid person and I will admit with a moderate amount of chagrin that I have, on occasion, overreacted to change. But I have also learned how to listen to that "little voice" in my head and my heart that tells me when danger is afoot. Women have an instinctive ability to sense danger, something that anthropologists would tell us is from our days of having to protect our young from saber toothed tigers and such. Maybe. I know that I have a very strong instinct toward survival and protection, so I'm going to do everything I must do to protect myself and my family. Most women "just know" when something is not right. It's only when we allow politically correct thoughts pop into our head that we get hurt - or killed - by the bad guys. Right now my instincts are telling me to hold on to what I've got, prepare for the worst, and try to find peace through securing my home and my property.
Just suppose that you planned on cashing out part of your paycheck on a Friday and you went to your bank just as you have done every payday during your entire life. What if the bank was closed, its assets seized, and your money were inside that vast computer file of numbers that you couldn't access? What happens when the U.S. government does not pay the huge debt it owes to China? Will our money be worth anything at that point?
I have made a plan, I'm carrying it out, and I'm encouraging other moms to do the same. For the price of a new pair of shoes you could buy some extra food and store it. For the cost of a tank of gas you could buy a camp stove and fuel. Hunger is a powerful motivator, I've been told, and it can cause people to do the unthinkable when it gets bad enough. I've learned that the light of a single candle can keep a man from freezing to death, so, if you live in a northern climate, do you have enough candles?
Do you know to kill an animal such as a rabbit or a squirrel in order to feed yourself? Would you have the stomach to be able to clean the animal for cooking? Do you have a means to protect your family from the raids that WILL occur in the aftermath of a complete default of our banking system? Do you have fuel to cook with, do you know how to build a fire and cook on it? Do you have a few tools that you might need for simple survival? A few sheets of plywood, matches, nails, screws, sheets of plastic, a tarp or two. How about a good first aid kit?
In the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew in Miami I experienced first-hand the crazed emotions of people who felt stranded. They were waiting for someone to come save them, personally, and help was slow in coming. I was attacked in my car and had to use an umbrella to ward off an attack. A group of looters came to my home and, thankfully, I was armed. I was also ready to use my weapon to defend myself and the toddler sitting on my hip. Our governor at the time, Lawton Chiles, would not permit looters to be arrested, so they took over the streets and roamed house to house, taking as they pleased. Law enforcement was on the job, but the storm had taken down all street signs and building landmarks. You would be waiting a long time for a cop IF you could get through on the telephone.
I've been making plans, getting my kids educated, and spreading the word. I know that some people may call me crazy, and this is fine. I've not been buying gold, but I've got peace of mind.
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