Friday, August 12, 2011


Pick up the phone, make a call...easy.
Click connect, send an email...easy.
Push a button, hear the problem.


If you think you are frustrated NOW with the media, just wait until we have a real crisis (real or contrived) and the government decides that it MUST control all media. You've already heard and seen the effects of social network monitoring, and many of us have been scared shitless at the prospect of "big brother" tracking our private conversations.

The truth is, if you think they're going to do this, you're wrong. They already are.

So, have you come up with a plan to communicate with your loved ones? Your friends? Your prepper support group?

Do you have a two-way radio or a set of long-range walkie talkies anywhere in your house? Have you come up with a language that you can use to avoid being tagged? It can be as simple as one word. Think of the Battle of Normandy, "John has a long mustache..." Really, this is as simple as having an evacuation plan.

Do you know anyone locally who is a ham radio operator? Most ham operators do so not so much as a hobby, but as a last ditch effort to allow citizens to control the airwaves.

If the worst does happen you'll need to think of your every action, every word, every communication as being monitored. Consider yourself a political prisoner on house arrest. Don't even think of sending a letter unless you've got it encoded. I know this sounds like cloak and daggar stuff, but who are you going to trust? Do you really want a commisar to read your letters directing your family members to your stash of goodies?

Perhaps you could start by using your wingding font as a sort of code. Each symbol could represent a word or phrase. You don't need to have a sympbol for each letter of the alphabet...that would be too mind-boggling. For instance, perhaps a five pointed star could represent "plenty of guns, low on ammo", with a response being a right handed check mark for "have ammo, will trade". Or, use the "bible code" method of having the real message in a pattern.

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