Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pelosi, Reid and the Camel's Ass Under the Tent

This week the buzz is that the Senate democrats have been floating the idea of dropping the age of enrollment for Medicare. Sounds great, doesn't it? To many the idea of being able to get that "free" health care from "the gubment" would appear as manna from heaven. Then there are people like me; the realists.

You see, with the funding of Medicare being cut it is simply not possible to add an additional 10-20 million Americans to this risk pool. Yes, Medicare is a risk pool, and as with any insurance, the risk is spread among the participants. I've wondered if by adding those aged 55-64 to the pool the Obama administration believes that the financial risks will be lessened. Fools.

First, employers will "dump" employees who are between 55-64 in droves from their insurance. They may even begin to fire those employees (please don't use pleasant euphemisms such as Lay Off). The preferred age for employees in this country will be 26-50 and age discrimination will be off and running. Add this to the BMI discrimination underway right now. Face it: If you're fat and old YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You eat too much, you breathe too much, and you take up too much space with no real prospect for adding anything to society. I guess someone needs to inform Michael Moore, Gerald Nadler and Barney Frank that their time is up, too.

My daughter in college has asked aloud, "Why am I doing this when I'll probably never get a job doing what I have worked so hard for?"

I fear for my son who so proudly wishes to serve his country in the Marine Corps. You see, he has the faith that our nation will return to its original glory, to its original founding. I'm more cynical and I suppose I'm just downright bitter.

I've seen the last year as being one of the most destructive EVER on America and her values. Yet I, too, must have faith -- Faith that God will bless our nation and our people. Faith that God is control of everything and that He alone knows our destiny. Perhaps God has decided that America needs to start over. Maybe that reset button is close enough for all of us to press if we'd just reach out together to do it.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Belt Tightening 101 - Refresher Course

Taking a look at my grocery list today I had to seriously think about pruning my list of "wants" and thin the list to concentrate on my "needs". It would be great to be able to afford four New York Strip steaks this weekend, but at a price tag of $7.59 a pound, I think we'll be grilling burgers instead. Sure, we can dress them up, but they're not going to be steak.

I try to make sure that we have "the fixin's" that everybody likes; french fries, for instance. But at $2.00 for a 16 oz bag of frozen I find myself opting, instead, for a 10-pound bag of taters for $3.99. To me, this is wise investing. I know my target demographic (a hungry family), I know the risk associated with investing in a bag of potatoes, and I know that in the potato market there are various ways to improve my liquidity by using this asset wisely. Used wisely, $4.00 worth of taters can stretch $25 worth of meat into seven dinnertime meals for my family.

When I make sloppy joes, for instance, I always throw a couple of finely diced potatoes in with the meat as it browns. It stretches the meat and nobody recognizes the potatoes once they get covered with sauce. Moms like me are tricky and we're smart.

Perhaps the Obama administration, Larry Sommers, Tim Geithner, and perhaps even Barack himself would learn a thing or two from housewives across America - if they would climb down from their ivory towered high horses for just a bit.

We know from experience, but mostly we know from surviving lean times how to work within a budget. We've learned that we can't simply open our neighbors' wallets and take a few bills out when we come up short. We've learned how to use that $4.00 bag of taters to get seven meals rather than spending nearly that amount of buy enough product for only one meal.

Mr. Obama, if you're in the mood to hear from us we're willing to give you some good advice. Spend less than you take in, and learn to live within your means. Also, I'm sure that even in your culture, Mr. Obama, stealing is against the law.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3, 2009 Elections

Today there is a small ballot issue in my now hometown of St. Joseph County, Indiana which involves adding an additional income tax of 0.25% to the taxes that we pay. I believe this measure is going to go down in flames because our Common Council, a group of which the majority are democrats, recently voted (against overwhelming public opposition) to allow the City of South Bend to gleen from the residents of the County an additional 1% in income taxes to be used for police and fire services within the City of South Bend ONLY and NOT to be used for the surrounding areas.

Problem is, while the scare tactics caused our County Common Council to cave, the Mayor's office knew that there was a million dollar emergency rainy day fund that could be tapped at will. This fact was not disclosed prior to the vote. Then, as if the monarch Steve Leucke wasn't happy with the additional monies, he hired a "green" guy for the city. Salary is estimated at over $100k a year.

So, at the end of today I hope that the politicians get a clear message:


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Flu Season! Yuck!

It appears that my household will not be spared from the flu this year, after all. My healthy teenagers have, blessedly and all at the same time, become ill. The fever, body aches, nausea, sore throats, headaches and generally crappy feeling have hit us all at once.

As "the mom" I'm not permitted to get sick at the same time as the rest of the family, and certainly if I do get sick I will be stuck here, alone, to care for and tend to my own illness. I feel like this is what the Obama administration is doing to moms everywhere.

We're being expected to care for our families, tend to the youth of America, and when it's our turn to be taken care of, when we're old and frail, we'll be left on our own. I think about the promises that our government made to my generation, that if we would just keep paying all of those taxes that we, too, would find our pot of gold at the end of our lifelong rainbow. We were assured that Social Security was solvent, that the actuarial computations made for sustaining the program were sound. We were given this promise when we were still in diapers, all through high school and college, and into our early careers. We kept sending out our messages of doubt, asking our elected representatives to be honest with us. "Please tell us the truth!", we begged.

Congressman Claude Pepper of Florida made his entire career on fighting for Social Security benefits increases for senior citizens. He pushed hard for increased spending for Medicare, for better protections for senior citizens rights. As a young person I despised him. My thought was that the old farts should just go off an die. Now I am the old fart, and the kids just want me to go off and die.

I will admit that my generation provided little sacrifice to this Nation. My generation was the one that protested "the establishment". My generation hung Richard Nixon out to dry. My generation embraced Mao, Che, Castro, Kruschev. My generation made love - not war. My generation wanted equality for all, but we also embraced class warfare as a religion.

So when you wonder how we got to where we are today, look at today's 50 and 60 year olds.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Lately I've been thinking about inheritances. An inheritance is defined, generally speaking, as something that passes from one generation to the next. It can be property, traits, birthrights.

When a parents dies, for instance, they will often leave to their heirs an inheritance of some financial significance. Typically a parent will bequest a portion of his or her estate to their heirs as a token of appreciation, love, or, in my case, disdain for a child, grandchild, or other loved one. For the beneficiary of an inheritance it is not enough to know that you were considered, but the beneficiary wishes to know that they were indeed considered worthy.

When I think of the inheritance that our elected officials are now considering for our beneficiaries (the future generations of Americans), I can't help but acknowledge the obvious fact that they (the Congress, Senate, and the President) believe some people worthy and others not. They consider worthy those individuals and groups who have failed in their lives. They consider the inability to attain self-reliance and responsibility to be worthy of emptying the wealth of a nation into the coffers of those who whine, complain, and blame others for their misfortune.

Progressives for decades have exploited the very groups they claim to defend. I have often asked why blacks, for instance, would continue to vote for the same politicians decade after decade when clearly it is the politician who benefits. Public housing is still substandard.
Our education system is still failing to prepare ALL people for a future of productivity. We have, by way of election, de-funded our inheritance and pillaged the coffers of the dead out of political correctness.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When all is said and done...

...a lot is said and little is done.

The funeral is over and the questions linger. Why is the largest question. How is the next one. When is the last question.

Why? Why did things turn out the way they did. Why were there so many years and decades of mistrust, of accusations, of bitterness.

How? How do I forgive? How do I reconcile myself to the fact that he is never coming back and will never hear the truth?

When? When will this pain and emptiness go away?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

If Government Healthcare is so great....

Finish this sentence:

I look forward to going on Medicare because_________________________________.

If you answered "because it's free", stop reading now. None of what I say will appeal to you and you won't appreciate how imperiled our Republic is at this moment in time.

I don't know about you, but I never want to go on Medicare. Yes, I know I've paid into the system. Yes, I know that private insurance may be cost prohibitive. Yes, I know that everyone is expected to go onto Medicare when they reach that certain age.


Now comes Obama, professing to have the answer to all of our healthcare needs, oddly enough, as an expert in, what else, the law. His wife, also a lawyer, worked with The University of Chicago Medical Center, but work is such an ambiguous word. It's been pretty well publicized that she spent little time actually earning her six figure salary during the last two years of her clouded tenure there. After all, isn't this the same location which was the scene to one of the more infamous patient dumping schemes? It was under the sugar-coated "Urban Health Initiative" that Medicare-only funded patients were given free rides to clinics (all outside of the area) to receive their medical care. Patients with better insurance were given the spots within the hospital that their poorer, government dependent brethren were forced out of. In fact, most of those forced our of the hospital were poor blacks and hispanics, sent to clinics whose Medicaid and Medicare patient load was not as high as that of an inner-city hospital. Yet, those clinics were not privey to the influence of the wife of a United States Senator, nor were they on the receiving end of millions of dollars of grant money and donor gratuities. Yes, those clinics who were forced to accept these patients were also forced to keep the dirty business of patient dumping to themselves.

To understand this entire concept one must make sure to comprehend that words have meaning. We all know by now that the word "urban" means poor, and usually refers to a person of color. But, in today's current political climate we all know that a Black First Lady nor her husband would EVER be considered racists, would they? In order for Mrs. Obama to sell this "initiative" she hired none other than her husbands' current advisor, David Axelrod. Together, Axelrod and Obama devised a plan which would move patients from the University hospital if they received government healthcare. There were stories published of the "Tylenol" treatment for severe injuries. Patients were often bused to outlying clinics when they presented to the emergency room with fractures, deep lacerations, or, in some cases, when children presented with high fevers and convulsive symptoms. Many of these symptoms and injuries were of enough severity to have warranted inpatient hospitalization, yet these patients received no more treatment than a would get from a school nurse.

Most of us enjoy a relationship with our doctors and we feel confident in their abilitiy to treat our medical needs. Otherwise, we simply switch doctors. In my case, I like to refer to them as being "fired". If someone gets money from me to do a job, and then I find someone else to do the job, that pretty much means, they're fired, right?

Now, members of our government like to pretend that it is THEY who placed themselves in a position of authority over us. Please allow me to remind all of you that it is THEY who work for YOU. YOU have the authority, as guaranteed by the Constitution, to FIRE these people who believe themselves to be your masters.

Daniel Webster wrote, "The inherent right in the people to reform their government, I do not deny; and they have another right, and that is to resist unconstitutional laws without overturning the government."

Do YOU have the will to resist? Ronald Reagan reminded me years ago, "Man is not free unless government is limited." Is it time for us to resist government expansion? You decide for yourselves, but I made up my mind months ago.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hard To Swallow...and then some!

You know, it seems like only yesterday that we were all listening to the members of the media bash Bush for everything from the economy to global warming. Oh? Yes, it was just yesterday. Sorry.

Some things never change in this world of ours, but this past week I saw a remarkable admission by some members of the press: The press, it seems, does not appreciate being controlled. This admission struck me as particularly odd in this day and age, especially when I think about the fact that I, too, am able to now provide my own editorial opinion at will. The truth of the matter is that the press is uncomfortable in a position of being spoon-fed. They are, moreover, at their most confident and their happiest when it is THEY who determine the scope, content, and direction of public discussion and public policy. Thomas Jefferson had a unique relationship with the press. He placed within their hands a power that they ultimately used to torment him and his presidential policies. It is a wise person who understands that a snake cannot control its determination to bite.

In the book, “Jefferson and the Press”, by Jerry W. Knudsen, Knudsen accurately points out that the press has always been partisan, and more accurately, has always been controlled by those who control its purse strings. To speak very plainly, the members of the media are fully aware of who butters their bread. Through their writing, speaking, and editorial positions they can make or break a political candidate, a business, an individual, an idea.

In the past few days we’ve seen ABC produce an infomercial for the liberal healthcare agenda item of Barack Obama. Without hesitation, this press outlet refused to acknowledge that opinions of dissent exist by refusing to air paid advertising by groups who oppose the highly controversial and expensive Obamacare measures before the Congress now. This Congress, I might add, has made it clear that any legislation regarding healthcare will not be exhibited to “the people” for a full week before voting on it. This occurred with the stimulus package, the TARP program, the auto-union partnership co-op, and most recently, the Waxman-Markey energy legislation. Now it is clear that the Congress and Senate intend to force the American people into personal bankruptcy by thrusting one more spike into our coffins and into the wombs of mothers of yet to be born Americans. The mainstream media has been a coconspirator in this massive extortion against Americans, and surely, they can expect some sort of reward from Obama.

How will Obama reward the press? Why, through a bailout, of course! When this happens (and you know that it will), few outlets will be able to compete against the purse strings that Obama will open and close, unleashing hungry hell hounds under the guise of journalism.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Problem with Neo-Con Feminists (Like Me)

I am not your typical conservative woman. I also consider myself a feminist. First, let me make it clear that I have every intention of remaining in my traditional marriage - you know the kind - one man, one woman. I am, for all intention, a traditional wife and mother; I do the cleaning (well, that's a stretch!!), the laundry, the cooking, care for the kids' needs, etc. I don't have a problem with women's pro football, but then, predictably, sadly, somebody had to come up with the sexist idea to have women playing football in lingerie. When will we girls get to see jock-strap football, and do we even want to?
There was a time, however, when I was out there in the working world, competing for jobs and promotions against men who had equal qualifications. I recall being passed over for a promotion at a software publisher due to my competitor having "a family to support", while I was single, carefree, and had no real obligations to anyone but myself. Is it really fair, even as it was twenty years ago, for a woman to be deemed less needful of a promotion and the salary that goes along with it simply because, as my boss put it, "You have guys buy you stuff all the time. You don't need the extra money!"?

Now, there are some jobs that simply must remain gender-specific; OB nurses, for instance. Sorry fellas, but when a woman is in labor THE LAST thing she wants is a set of male hands upon her body! The other would be jihadist. This should be reserved for lunatic men who have no idea of what their future will be, only that it will be limited.

I have always found it distasteful that some women of today's generation have again resorted to sexuality to earn their living, some of thing performing vulgar acts on camera in order to gain some short-lived recognition. This hurts the cause of feminism across the globe, and it allows the use of terms like slut, ho, bimbo, bitch, and others to be used in common language all over the entertainment industry. I've been in offices where I was greeted by a young woman with her breasts popping out of her too-tight shirt. I've been disappointed by the level of customer services I received by those young women, many of them either appearing stupid or actually being guilty of extreme levels of stupidity. Meanwhile, the boss is usually some middle-aged has-been who gets a kick out of watching her walk around. Sad. Try being a 50-year-old woman with career experience, dignity, and self-respect trying to compete for that same job. The 50-year-old has no chance. I am that 50-year-old. My life experience and my career expertise mean nothing in the face of eye-popping boobies and the brainless adoration that a 20-year-old sexpot can offer.

This week David Letterman had a moment in his career when he could have taken the high road, when he could have made the decision to not make a joke about the rape of a woman (of any age), and not referred to a hairstyle as "slutty". He made the wrong choice and a firestorm has erupted.

In this week we've seen Sarah Palin's daughter offered up for rape to A-Rod, with Sarah Palin being once again belittled by the mainstream media. Was Letterman out of line? Yes, but where were the feminist groups on the issue? Were they the first defenders of feminine rights? No. Oddly enough they have remained silent, and this is bothersome to feminists such as myself who wish to elevate women to a place of equality among men. When feminists allow men to belittle women in such vitriolic fashion they demean and belittle the work of ALL women. The feminist groups who made the decision to remain silent while conservative women are attacked are as guilty as those who spew the vile language and post screed on the net. Think of how long it took for anyone from the left to oppose Playboy's posting of the "Ten Conservative Women I'd like to Hate F**k". What does it mean to Hate F**k someone? Isn't that considered abuse? Isn't it considered rape?

Secondly, Ms. California, Carrie Prejean was ousted from her position. Ms. Prejean has been vocal in her support of her right as an American citizen to not only have her own opinions, but to express them in an open forum. Ms. Prejean never criticized Perez Hilton for his views on gay marriage, never made a negative comment about his lifestyle choice. However, the gay activist lobby, along with the Hollywood/NYC Soho types have prevailed in ousting an outspoken Christian from a job - again - and the mainstream media went along on the hunt.

Women everywhere need to understand that it is THEIR position which is under attack by the liberal press and the so-called party of tolerance. The Left allows women to believe that they are empowered, however, the opposite is true. The Left only uses the anger and bitterness of women who have yet to find THEIR POWER to augment their propaganda against Conservatives. If the truth be told, the Conservative Party is the party of feminists in that women are encouraged to be what they can be WITHOUT focusing on sexuality.

You may disagree with me, but I don't care. This is my blog, and if you don't like it....go pack sand.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Remembering Their Lives and Losses

As the sun sets on this year's remembrance of D-Day, the battle of Normandy, I am reminded yet again of how very grateful I am to the lives that were given both on an off the field of battle.

This week I watched the unveiling of a bronze statue of Ronald Reagan, and my heart began to ache. Ronald Reagan was vilified by our press, the same press who is reluctant to post a negative (or true) story about our current President, but who quickly began to deliberate with reckless abandon the historical significance of the Presidency of Ronald Reagan.

Today I could not bring myself to watch as Barack Hussein Obama stood on hallowed ground in Normandy. The egomaniac President was, is, and ever shall be (at least in my mind) a disgrace to all that the men and women of our military stand for. To see this man, this hypocrite, this liar, stand shoulder to shoulder with the leaders of other nations, portending to represent the beliefs of ALL Americans makes me shudder with revulsion. In simple language, I fight the urge to vomit each and every time I see his image or hear his voice.
Last week a mass murdered was gunned down in church by a man who had a clear case of mental instability. The next day two members of our military were gunned down by an American-born terrorist. We all know which crime received the most attention, and we all know which criminal is the most reviled by the reliably liberal media. The fact is, each of these men engaged in an extreme act based upon their individual perception of ideology. Each man made the deliberate and conscious decision to take the life of another human being. Each man is guilty of cold-blooded murder.

Dr. Tiller was a physician who specialized in and enormously profited from performing ritualistic and premeditated murder. The fact that this type of murder is legal in the United States is disturbing to me - yet it remains legal and will likely become enhanced as the result of the actions of one man.

There was a time when I believed, as many young women believe, that abortion is the ultimate in feminine freedom. I, however, had an instant and almost cataclysmic event occur in my life, however, when I was able to see my unborn child via ultrasound at 8 weeks gestation. I saw, at that moment, the tiny flicker of her heart beating. She had no arms, no legs, no discernible body parts at all - she appeared as a bean or a peanut. Yet, there it was - LIFE! From that moment nearly 20 years ago until now I have been a very strong supporter of the Right to Life movement. In that one split second my entire line of thinking changed, and I was rescued from the morass of liberalism. People speak of life-changing events very casually, almost cynically, but for me, this hit me like a bolt of lightning. I was bearing witness to the creation of life, the passing on of a human being who would perhaps become a world leader, or simply offer the world a son or daughter of her own.

So today I thank the women and men of the past generations who gave their sons and daughters to the American people. Without their sacrifices, I would not exist today.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Soldier's Prayer

The soldier stood and faced his God Which must always come to pass...He hoped his shoes were shining Just as brightly as his brass."Step forward now, you soldier, How shall I deal with you?Have you always turned the other cheek? To My Church have you been true?"The soldier squared his shoulders and Said,"No, Lord, I guess I ain't...Because those of us who carry guns Can't always be a saint.I've had to work most Sundays And at times my talk was tough,And sometimes I've been violent, Because the streets are awfully tough.But, I never took a penny That wasn't mine to keep...Though I worked a lot of overtime When the bills got just too steep,And I never passed a cry for help, Though at times I shook with fear,And sometimes, God forgive me, I've wept unmanly tears.I know I don't deserve a place Among the people here...They never wanted me around Except to calm their fears.If you've a place for me here, Lord, It needn't be so grand,I never expected or had too much, But if you don't, I'll understand."There was a silence all around the throne Where the saints had often trod...As the soldier waited quietly, For the judgment of his God,"Step forward now you soldier,Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,You've done your time in Hell."
Dedicated To All That Serve... God Bless America!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Headlong Rush into Totalitarianism

This week many of us had the opportunity to witness what was deemed a spectacle of the greatest sort: The address of a sitting US President followed by the address of the most recently "retired" former Vice President.

I, as an American mother of a soon-to-be soldier, wanted to see something (anything, really) from President Obama that would set my mind at ease. You see, I have no problem with my son and his desire to enlist. This is going to be his choice. He will be a man of 18 when he enlists, old enough to die for his nation, but not old enough to buy a beer. I had hoped that amidst all of the bad decisions that had been made in recent weeks our Commander in Chief would say something, anything, to convince me that he has America's best interests at heart. What I saw was, once again, a showman, a master campaigner, a manipulator capable of contrived good-will and good intentions. We all know how the path to hell is paved, so I couldn't help but think back on what else Mr. Obama had done since his Presidency began in January, 2009.

He has, with the help of the spineless, hapless Democratic Socialists, thrust our nation headlong into totalitarianism. The U.S. government now owns the once proud and independent automobile industry. Hand in hand with the UAW, the President deftly and with little notice, changed the course of American history. Chrysler, and soon to be GM, will become the hammer and sickle bearing arms of the Democratic Socialists, all with the unwitting and unwilling financial backing of you, me, and future generations of Americans.

Before our children return to school in the Fall of 2009 Mr. Obama and his sycophants in the other branches of government will thrust the final sword into the body of American independence and liberty by FORCING a liberal, centralized health plan on every American. Mr. Obama has admitted that we, as a nation, are OUT OF MONEY, per the transcript below:
Saturday, May 23 2009 10:32:18 ETIn a sobering holiday interview with C-SPAN, President Obama boldly told Americans: "We are out of money."C-SPAN host Steve Scully broke from a meek Washington press corps with probing questions for the new president. SCULLY: You know the numbers, $1.7 trillion debt, a national deficit of $11 trillion. At what point do we run out of money? OBAMA: Well, we are out of money now. We are operating in deep deficits, not caused by any decisions we've made on health care so far. This is a consequence of the crisis that we've seen and in fact our failure to make some good decisions on health care over the last several decades. So we've got a short-term problem, which is we had to spend a lot of money to salvage our financial system, we had to deal with the auto companies, a huge recession which drains tax revenue at the same time it's putting more pressure on governments to provide unemployment insurance or make sure that food stamps are available for people who have been laid off. So we have a short-term problem and we also have a long-term problem. The short-term problem is dwarfed by the long-term problem. And the long-term problem is Medicaid and Medicare. If we don't reduce long-term health care inflation substantially, we can't get control of the deficit. So, one option is just to do nothing. We say, well, it's too expensive for us to make some short-term investments in health care. We can't afford it. We've got this big deficit. Let's just keep the health care system that we've got now. Along that trajectory, we will see health care cost as an overall share of our federal spending grow and grow and grow and grow until essentially it consumes everything... SCULLY: When you see GM though as “Government Motors,” you're reaction? OBAMA: Well, you know – look we are trying to help an auto industry that is going through a combination of bad decision making over many years and an unprecedented crisis or at least a crisis we haven't seen since the 1930's. And you know the economy is going to bounce back and we want to get out of the business of helping auto companies as quickly as we can. I have got more enough to do without that. In the same way that I want to get out of the business of helping banks, but we have to make some strategic decisions about strategic industries... SCULLY: States like California in desperate financial situation, will you be forced to bail out the states? OBAMA: No. I think that what you're seeing in states is that anytime you got a severe recession like this, as I said before, their demands on services are higher. So, they are sending more money out. At the same time, they're bringing less tax revenue in. And that's a painful adjustment, what we're going end up seeing is lot of states making very difficult choices there... SCULLY: William Howard Taft served on the court after his presidency, would you have any interest in being on the Supreme Court? OBAMA: You know, I am not sure that I could get through Senate confirmation...

Can we really afford to stand aside, stoned-faced and silent, as our "leaders" lay our nation to ruin?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Today's Bad News!

Social Security Collections will barely break even with payouts! Ooops! Looks like Obama is spending our past, our present, and OUR FUTURE at a higher rate than the Congressional Budget Office first realized.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

How has your world CHANGED? Is there more HOPE?

Obama has been the President for a little over 100 days. In that short time, his administration has quadrupled our national debt, something that members of the Democrat party ridiculed George Bush for doing at one quarter of that amount. In this short time he has increased the size of government, mandated "service" of young people to HIS ideology, and made the first of many apologies for what was the dominant force of the United States of America.

In this short time the Obama administration has almost completed a socialistic coup of our banking system and has threatened bona fide investors in our automotive industry (private businesses) with ruin if they try to regain even one dollar of their investment. Coincidentally, many of us are unwittingly invested in these bonds, if we are invested in a 401(k). For anyone who doesn't know, a BOND is a loan made to a government, individual, or corporation which GUARANTEES a return on the investment, in the form of interest, by a specific maturity date. The Obama administration has broken the law, but who will fight them?

In the last week private citizens protesting against the slaughter of innocent unborn children have been arrested on the University of Notre Dame campus - for peacefully demonstrating - against the University's granting of an honorary degree to Barack Obama. Barack Obama, who could not define when life begins during a pre-election interview with Rick Warren, cited this answer as "above his pay grade". Now, however, we're all supposed to accept that Obama is "the Annointed One", the new Messiah, if you will, of the human race. What these brave souls at the University of Notre Dame did was to exhume the ghosts of double standards present in many of our larger universities and colleges today. That double standard is glaring in its simplicity, yet oddly the champions of free speech and tolerance seem to be under a gag order to stifle the opinions of ordinary citizens who feel passionate about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

On April 15th, hundreds of thousands of hard-working individuals took to the streets demanding a reduction in government spending only to be ridiculed by the press for doing so. They were referred to as "rednecks" and "teabaggers" in the most vile and pestilent manner. The so-called leaders of journalism even went so far as to join in on the banter, not even caring to veil their obvious adoration of the new Dear Leader of the Free World. They attempted to marginalize the opinions of the few, the outspoken, the freedom loving members of our society in ways that would make Al Franken proud.

And then, the people of Minnesota, either willingly or with the help of ACORN, elected a foul mouthed, closed minded, Fascist-Communist to the United States Senate. Of course, he will join the majority party of Fascist-Communists already there.

Soon Obama, an advocate of larger, more intrusive government, will appoint a new Supreme Court justice. He aims to find someone younger, one who can stay on the court for decades, who can change the very charter of our Nation.

To "my" fellow Americans I emplore you: get active, be vocal, start writing, calling, and pestering your elected representatives until they hear you, see you, and start representing you! Get onto TWITTER, FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE, everywhere, and start letting people know that WE ARE HERE.